Sunday, January 17, 2010

Turning the Corner

We're close. We're not there yet, and there's still some work to do, but we're getting there. As time passes and we move from early January to mid/late January, I can see our swimmers starting to come out of the performance sapping fog that annually results from the heavy training loads of mid-December through mid-January. Now that the training peak is behind our swimmers, and volume is starting to come back down, I'm seeing all the signs that point to fast swimming in the near future. Bodies seem to be recovering better, morale is rebounding, and practice performances are starting to be more indicative of what our swimmers are capable of. Meet times aren't quite there yet, but they will be soon. Our swimmers are on the verge of looking sharp once again. Late January and early February dual meets are frequently where many swimmers put up their best in-season efforts, and I'm expecting this to hold true for our team in the last dual meet of the season, and the last chance to gear up for championships, next Saturday.

Here's to fast swimming in late January and February. It's not a matter of 'if' it will happen. They're already turning the corner. The only question is 'when.'

My educated prediction: Soon.