Monday, September 22, 2008

Get to Know a Swimmer: "A Mo"

At 6:15 this morning, the 08-09 R-MC swimming season began as the team hit the weights dark and early. To celebrate the start of the season, here is the first of many "Get to Know a Swimmer" posts. Today's swimmer du jour is junior Amanda Morgan. Get to know Amanda M.:

Name: Amanda Morgan
Nickname: "A Mo"
Class: Junior
Hometown: Boiling Springs, PA
Favorite Event: 50 Freestyle
Favorite Hobby: Swimming (duh)
Favorite Food: Hot dogs
Favorite R-MC Swimming Memory: Winning the ODAC title my freshman year.
Favorite TV Show: The Hills, Gossip Girl
Favorite Movie: Sweet Home Alabama
Inspirational Quote: "Lick the rock, chug the tap." - Aimee Powell '08