Monday, August 4, 2008

Busy Weekend

It was a busy last four days for yours truly. Thursday and Friday were spent in DC, Saturday and Sunday in upstate NY.

Part one of my journey had me in DC for YMCA Nationals, which were held at the University of Maryland. Both YMCA Nationals events are great meets, and this year's long course edition did not disappoint. There was some fast long course swimming to be had at the meet. Congrats to all who swam, including an R-MC Class of 2012 breaststroker who had a solid meet! While at the meet, I stayed literally 2 blocks from the White House, which is why you get to enjoy this beautiful BD original through the gated fence:

Part two of the journey had me going to "gorges" Ithaca, NY for the USA Triathlon Sprint Distance National Championships (where I was an athlete, not a coach). Ithaca is known for it's gorges, including one that features the tallest waterfall in the northeast (see below - as a frame of reference, you can see some tiny dots on the trail in the bottom right hand corner of the picture...those are people). At 216 feet, it's 49 feet taller than Niagara Falls. They actually sell t-shirts that say "Ithaca is Gorges," and yes, I am the proud owner of one such shirt. As for the race, it was a mixed bag. Solid swim and run legs, subpar bike (which cost me the race. Come on Normann!).

Part three of the journey turned out to be the drive back down to Virginia, which was an ordeal that I care not to relive. I'll just say it took much longer than anticipated to make it back, and leave it at that.